Mira Catalina Elementary School

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Grade 3


Wind POWER in the South Bay

Here is my sample of a renewable resource poster. Use this as a sample to create a convincing illustration/diagram for your local community. Explain which source of energy is best in your opinion.
The poster could be done using colorful illustrations, lists, facts, captions, and other text features! Feel free to get creative! This activity is an optional afternoon activity. If you do complete it, I would love to see them. Send to my email or via TEAMS. 
You do NOT need a convincing paragraph; however, I included one that reviews the information from Brainpop and the text "It's All in the Wind." 
Comprehension work for May 6, 2020
This is the answer key for the two comprehension questions from May 6, 2020. Please use if the work is challenging, or if you want to review your answers. Try not to use this prior to attempting to answer on your own! 

Part 3 of 3, May 6, 2020

The second part of the read aloud is in this video. I apologize for the cut off! For math, please see the snapshots I posted yesterday of #8 and #9 of workbook page 134. https://jr.brainpop.com/math/fractions/equivalentfractions/

Part 2 of 3, May 6, 2020

Read Aloud (This video was cut off halfway through. The second part of the read aloud is in part 3 with math).

Part 1 of 3, Wednesday May 6, 2020

Greetings Grade 3! In this video I review the comprehension work for the morning! Please watch the Brainpop video about wind energy that goes along with the reading this morning. I will be posting additional resources after my final video upload. https://www.brainpop.com/science/energy/windenergy/

Part 2 of 3 May 4, 2020: Book Report Writing Sample

In this video I read a fellow third grade writing sample! Thank you again to Max for letting us use this to help with our writing this week. The opinion paragraph is due to me on FRIDAY, so students have a whole week to complete. Helpful tips include: - Use a variety of sentence types. Exclamation points show feeling! - Instead of giving away the book ending, try using a question - When giving an opinion, first person pronouns ("I think..." "in MY opinion"...) are crucial! - Give the book some type of "rating" and explain WHY you would rate it that way - Would there be any ways to improve the book you read?

3rd Grade Writing Sample: Book Report

Dear Families of Room 1, 
Here is a writing sample from a third grader in Room 1. Please use this (open in a new tab, or print) to follow along with the second video which is coming your way! 
Fantastic work to our classmate, Max! Thank you for letting us use your writing to help us complete ours. 

Mrs. Moore 
Graphic Organizer for May 4, 2020
Here is an example of a graphic organizer that goes with the small orange textbook page 387. I also used brainpop as a resource to support students learning about renewable forms of energy. 

Part 1 of 3, Monday May 4, 2020

In this video I: give an overview for end of week expectation, state the essential question, review three sources of energy that were in today's readings. I will post a snippet of a graphic organizer I completed with a student this morning. It goes along with this week's essential question and Brainpop videos on energy. Brainpop links will be posted later this afternoon.